SDO Medical Equipment
3136 Main Street, Chula Vista, CA. 91911
Store: (619) 422-1788
Whats-app: (619) 921-9775
Mon: 9:30AM - 5PM
Tue: 9:30AM - 5PM
Wed: 9:30AM - 5PM
Thu: 9:30AM - 5PM
Fri: 9:30AM - 5PM
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

Finger Exerciser Set
Model: RHB1017
Regular: $ 48.98 each
Special: $ 38.98 each
Specifications: ​
Develops isolated finger strength, flexibility and coordination as it builds hand and forearm strength
Soft finger pads and palm rest with an ergonomic design
Progressive color-coded resistance ranges from light, medium, heavy
Finger Extension Exerciser
Model: 10-0960B
Regular: $89.00
Special: $ 59.00
Specifications: ​
Essential tool for patients recovering from: Tennis Elbow, Tendonitis in the Wrist, Overcoming the effects of a Stroke, Hand Trauma Rehabilitation, and much more
Continuous tension applied to opening the hands
Unique thumb positioning allows it to be used on either hand
Each of the individual finger extensors can be independently positioned to achieve 3 different levels of resistance.

Therapy Putty
Model: 10-3900
Regular: $ 18.95
Special: $ 12.95
Available in 6 resistance levels.
Each color-coded putty has a different consistency ranging from xx-light for strengthening the weakest grasp to x-heavy for developing a stronger grip.
The putty material is gluten, casein and latex free.
Exercise Egg Set
Regular: $ 29.95
Special: $ 24.95
Helps strengthen grip and reduce stress
variable resistance training for hands, fingers
Soft - Medium - Hard - X-Hard

Hand Extension Exerciser Set
Model: RHB1030
Regular: $ 79.98 each
Special: $ 29.98 each
Specifications: ​
Used in hand therapy for flexion, extension, opposition & supination exercises.
Resistance may be modified by adjusting the hand position, depth of finger insertion,
or by moving to a different resistance (color)

New Hand Exerciser
Regular: $ 23.95
Special: $ 18.95