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 New Halsted Mosquito Forcep

#13-171 Straight 5" - $ 5.95

#13-172 Curved 5"- $ 5.95


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 New Kelly Forcep Serrated Jaw

#13-173 Straight 5.5" - $ 5.95

#13-174 Curved 5.5" - $ 5.95

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 New Rochester Carmalt Forcep

#13-188 Straight -  $

#13-189 Curved -  $






 New Rochester Carmalt Forceps

​# 13-188 Straight – 6 1/4”-- 9.95
# 13-189 Curved – 6 ½” -- 9.95
# 13-190 Straight – 8” – 12.95
# 13-191 Curved –- 8” - 12.95


 New Crile Forceps Full Serrated Jaws

# 13-175 -- str -- 5 ½ - $ 5.95

# 13-176 - curv - 5 ½ -- $ 5.95
# 13-177 – str – 6 ½” - $ 6.95
# 13-178 – Curv – 6 ¼” -- $ 6.95

 New Adson Hemostatic Forceps

​# 13-230 – Str– 7 1/4” - $ 8.95
# 13-231 – Curv – 7 1/4” - $ 8.95


 New Hartman Mosquito Forcep

#13-169 Straight 3.5" -  $ 5.95

#13-170 Curved 3.5" -  $ 5.95





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 New Randall Curved Forcep

#13-174A Curved 6.25" -  $7.85





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 New Rankin Straight Forcep

#13-173A Straight 3.5" -  $ 7.85






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 Rochester Pean Forcep Serrated Jaw

#13-179 Straight 5.5" -  $

#13-180 Curved 5.5" -  $

#13-183 Straight 7.25" -  $

#13-184 Curved 7.25" -  $

#13-085 Straight 9" -  $

#13-086 Curved 9" -  $

#13-087 Straight 10" -  $

#13-088 Curved 10" -  $




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 New Rochester Ochsner Forcep

#13-194 Straight 6.25"-  $5.95

#13-194A Straight 9"- $12.95

#13-195 Curved 6.25"-  $6.95

#13-195A Curved 9"- $12.95

#13-196 Straight 7.25"-  $6.95

#13-196A Straight 10"- $16.95

#13-197 straight 7.25"- $8.95

#13-197A Curved 10"- $16.95

#13-198 Straight 8"- $




rochester ochsner straight

 New Mixter Hemostatic Forcep

#13-203 Curved 5.5"-  $

#13-205 Curved 6.25"- $

#13-207 Curved 7.25"- $

#13-209 Curved 9"- $





 New Heaney-Ballentine Hysterectomy Forceps

#13-233 Straight 8.25"-  $ 39.85

#13-234 Curved 8.25"- $ 39.85





 New Thumb Tissue Forceps (2x3 teeth)

#15-124 5"-  $

#13-125 5.5"- $

#15-126 6"-  $

#13-127 8"- $





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 New Eye Dressing Forceps Serrated Tips

#15-236 Straight 4"-  $

#13-237 Half Curved 4"- $

#15-238 Full Curved 4"-  $





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 New Sponge Holding Forceps

#16-247A Straight Smooth 7"-  $

#16-248A Curved Smooth 7"- $

#16-249A Straight Smooth 9.5"-  $

#16-247 Straight Serrated 7"-  $

#16-248 Curved  Serrated 7"- $

#16-249 Straight Serrated 9.5"-  $

#16-250 Curved Serrated 9.5"-  $








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 New 3 Prong Sterilizer Forcep

#16-251 8"-  $

#16-253 11"- $








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 New Straight Allis Tissue Forceps

#18-274 4x5 teeth 6"-  $

#18-274A Baby Allis 4x5 teeth 5"- $

#18-275 5x6 teeth 6"-  $

#18-275A 5x6 teeth 7.25"- $

#18-275B 5x6 teeth 10"-  $

 New Lorna Non Perforated Towel Clamp

#16-245 3.5"-  $

#16-246 5.5"- $








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 New Backhaus Towel Clamp

#16-242 3.25"-  $

#16-243 5.25"- $








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 New Utility Sterilizer Forcep

#16-251A 8"-  $

#16-253A 11"- $








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 Mayo Robinson Intestinal Forceps

#18-326 Straight 10"-  $

#18-327 Curved 10"- $


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 New Fletcher Sponge Holding Forceps

#16-2490 Straight 9.5"-  $

#16-2500 Curved 9.5"- $








 New Forcep Sterilizing Jar

Model: SDO31-180 

Regular: $ 129.95

Special: $ 79.95

Includes: ​

  • Jar size 2” x 5 ½”

  • Jar with Forcep size 2” x 11”

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 New Vasectomy Set


Regular: $ 58.85

Special: $ 49.85

Includes: ​

Includes: Locking System and Ring TIP, Stainless Steel Regular – $ 59.85 Special- $ 49.85

 New Vasectomy Forceps


Regular: $ 29.85

Special: $ 19.85

Includes: ​

Includes: Locking System and Ring TIP, Stainless Steel

Size 5.5"

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 New Hartman Alligator Forceps

Models:  ​
# 19-284 ---- 3 ½ ---- $ 19.85
# 19-285 ---- 5 ½” --- $ 24.95
# 19-276 ---- 12 ½” --- $ 39.00


 New Child Rigid Rhinoscope

Model: 19-286

Regular: $ 24.95

Special: $ 16.95



 New Adult Rigid Rhinoscope

Model: 19-287

Regular: $ 24.95

Special: $ 16.95


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